Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
“Dutch Mogharaer, Arabic al-Muḥarrar and Javanese Law-Book: VOC’s Experiments with Muslim Law in Java, 1747-1767”

Itinerario: International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction vol. 41, no. 2 (2018), Cambridge University Press.
“Two ‘Cultural Translators’ of Islamic Law and German East Africa”

Rechtsgeshichte: Journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, vol. 24, no. 2 (2016): 190-214
“Texts as Objects of Value and Veneration: Islamic Law Books in the Indian Ocean Littoral”

Sociology of Islam, vol. 6, no. 1 (2018): 60-83, Brill
Early Dutch Encounters with Islamic Law: The Text and Translation of Mogharaer Code

Indonesia, no. 106, Cornell University Press
“Uses and Abuses of the Past: An Ethno-History of Islamic Legal Texts”

Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 2018, 7, 313–338, Oxford University Press.
“An Abode of Islam with a Hindu King: Circuitous Imagination of Kingdoms in Sixteenth Century Malabar”

Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies, McGill University Press, vol. 1, no. 1 (2017): 89-109.
“Words of ʿAjam in the World of Arab: Translation and Translator in Early Islamic Judicial Procedure.”

Justice and Leadership in Early Islamic Courts, eds. Intisar Rabb and Abigail Balbale (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018): 71-90
Introduction: Malabar in the Indian Ocean

In Malabar in the Indian Ocean: Cosmopolitanism in a Maritime Historical Region, eds. Mahmood Kooria and Michael Pearson (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2017), xv-xxvii
“Khuṭbat al-jihādiyya: An Unknown Anti-Portuguese Jihadi-treatise in Arabic”

In Malabar in the Indian Ocean: Cosmopolitanism in a Maritime Historical Region, eds. Mahmood Kooria and Michael Pearson (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2017), 64-75
“A Malayalam War-Song on the Portuguese-Dutch Battle, 1663”

In Malabar in the Indian Ocean: Cosmopolitanism in a Maritime Historical Region, eds. Mahmood Kooria and Michael Pearson (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2017), 141-171
“‘Killed the Hajj-pilgrims and Persecuted Them with All Kinds of Cruelties’
Portuguese Estado da India’s Encounters with Hajj Pilgrimage, 16th Century” in Europe and Hajj in the Age of Empires, ed. Umar Ryad (Leiden: Brill, 2016), 16-38
Taḥrīḍ ahl al-imān: An Indigenous Account against Early Modern Interventions in the Indian Ocean World

In Taḥrīḍ ahl al-imān ʿalā jihād ʿabadat al-ṣulbān, trans. K.M. Mohamed and forward. Michael Pearson (Calicut: Other Books, 2013), 19-48